Residing in the heart of the Canary Islands, on the island of Tenerife, lies one of the worlds most precious gems. The luxurious velvet beaches of El Medano are an ideal spot for any windsurfing excursion. Combining the two core principles of windsurfing, being wind and water of course, El Medano’s crystal clear seas and globally acknowledged wind factors take exhilaration to a whole new level. El Medano has gained its recognition in the windsurfing community for its immaculate winds and has become a well know site for windsurfing championships and competitions due to its lavish winds and opulent currents.
El Medano has been blessed with arguably the best conditions to windsurf in the world. For those who are of expertise to those who haven’t seen a sailboard for their own eyes, this decadent oceanfront has something for people of all ages and experience levels. The town is located on the southern most point of Tenerife, with beaches that hug the current of the Atlantic Ocean. El Medano’s lush natural resources attract people from across the globe for the thrill and experience. If you have been searching for the ultimate destination to windsurf unlike anyplace else in the world, El Medano is exactly what you have been looking for.
Once you arrive you will never want to leave.